Solar In Action: Curtis in Virginia – 11.3kW Grid-Tied DIY Solar System
Our customer Curtis in Virginia is doing it himself, installing his residential 11.3kW array using thirty-six Canadian Solar CS3K 315 Watt Mono-PERC solar panels.
Our customer Curtis in Virginia is doing it himself, installing his residential 11.3kW array using thirty-six Canadian Solar CS3K 315 Watt Mono-PERC solar panels.
This 23kW inverter system was designed with a quad stack of XW+ 6848 inverters, 190kWh battery bank of Discover Lithium Iron AES Batteries and 72 Canadian Solar 72 cell solar panels, “this was a ridiculously sized system, but exactly what I wanted.”
Our customer, John, in Maryland sent us these inspiring photos of his work in progress, a 3.8kW DIY Off-Grid PV System.
I’ve never studied solar systems, but I knew I wanted one once I heard the power company would allow them to be used (as the production source). I wanted a big enough system to cover my usage. Since I use around 15,000 kWh a year, I called around to get pricing and to understand what was available nowadays.
Our customer Scott, in California, sent us pictures of his top of pole mount solar array installation from start to completion. Scott is using twenty-four Canadian Solar 280 Watt Mono solar panels on two DPW Solar top of pole mounts. Looks great and provides shade on a sunny day.