Welcome to the energy efficient section of our knowledge base. Articles related to improving your energy efficiency and environmentally friendly alternatives can be found here.

Energy Efficiency 101

Here are a few very affordable ways you can improve your energy efficiency and lower your utility bills with easy fixes. They are also a great way to reduce the cost of a new solar system.

A Basic Guide to Tankless Water Heaters

Curious about tankless hot water? Learn more including tankless hot water advantages and sizing.

About Solar Attic Fans

A solar powered attic fan can harness the power of the sun to keep your home cool. Why waste the kilowatts falling on your roof every summer day. Why make your air conditioner battle the heat of the sun without help.

Shedding Light on the History of the Light Bulb and Its Bright Future

Thank goodness we have the light bulb, and thank goodness we’ve been getting better at making it. From glowing strips of charcoal to light emitting diodes (LEDs), we’ve come a long way.

The Greenest Light: LEDs Light the Way to a Brighter Tomorrow

It’s not always easy being green. We clean and sort recyclables. We bring our own bags to the store. We buy cars that are better on gas, and we drive less. There are so many little things to do, and while they do all add up, sometimes it just gets overwhelming.

Top 10 Reasons You Need to Switch to LED Light Bulbs

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been turning up all over the place, which leads one to wonder why. What’s so great about these little lights?